So it's been a while since I've done any pictures; I deactivated my FB for Names in the Clouds a few months ago, I may or may not pick it back up. I have just moved on to a place in my grief where this just isn't helping me I know it helps all of you and I love helping you; I've just gotten to a point where doing this is holding me back instead of moving me forward.
I moved a little over a month ago and I'm currently on vacation, and trying to conceive a rainbow baby. I might go back to the FB profile and do the picture requests that I have left when I get back home and have the free time; though I am not taking any new requests.
I would also be willing to let someone else take over for me. I don't really want this to disappear just because I've moved on. If you would be willing to do this for me send me an e-mail and I'll work on getting all the pictures, fonts, and instructions together and sending that too you. (
Currently I am working on my writing I am writing a book about a teenage girl who's baby was stillborn and I am hoping that I'll be able to get it published someday. You can keep up with my writing and such on my writing blog or FB page.
~ Cathrin Kushman